Saturday, 13 October 2012

Resilient Bars

After much research it transpires that there are clever things called "resilient bars'" that you can fit to the underside of the joists before fitting the plasterboard ceiling. The idea is that the ceiling is 'de-coupled' from the joists above which means that the vibrational sound transfer is minimised as the ceiling is separated from the structure above.

The bars are also really useful for keeping the sound-deadening Rockwool in place which we fitted at the same time.
It may be sound-deadening but it doesn't half make you cough!
 Many thanks Mark for all your help.

 The bars attach on one side only which create a kind of 'sprung ceiling' effect.

Friday, 12 October 2012


We've had a fairly busy week with quite a few things happening at the same time. The plasterboard arrived - all 312 sheets of it - and it didn't take lifting too many of them to regret over-specifying 15mm board instead of the more usual 12.5mm. At 30kgs a sheet it certainly made for a good workout.

Lee made quick work of turning the piles of boards into something resembling a room which enabled us to build the chimney breast ahead of next week's stove installation.

The girls' bedrooms seemed to take no time at all...

It was only after he'd been there for three days that he noticed the vaulted ceilings on the other side of the house! No mean feat at 30kgs a sheet.

Albiet with a little help from his son and Kev!