Tuesday 3 April 2012

Seriously serious retaining wall

So this is what a wall's structure looks like when the structural engineer does a drawing for a retaining wall but hasn't seen the (solid chalk white cliffs of Dover) ground conditions! A huge 14m trench is dug by the side of the, to be garage, and steel bars are painstakingly bent (in seriously hot temperatures for late March in a white reflective sun trap) by Jason and Gary.
Marcie oversees by standing sideways?!

The white cliffs of Dover
 Marcie proves that it's tough building by proudly displaying her wounded hand.
This wall ain't going anywhere....
The blocks for the foundations arrive
The surface water soakaway at the end of the garden

 The surface water drainiage pipes are laid and covered over and the huge soakaway is now filled in. Too late for burying any bodies now. You've all missed ya chance - I'm still here!

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