Saturday 15 September 2012

Bi-Fold Doors - At Last!

Apologies to those of you who have pestered me for updates! We've been extremely busy adding more and more insulation, taping and sealing and mastic-ing windows. The photos just look like all the other insulation photos unfortunately.

However, our patio doors, which were ordered in March with a 7-8 week lead time, arrived this week! It feels like quite a change as we're now fully watertight and secure. Despite them coming from a different (and significantly slower) manufacturer we're pleased with how well they match the rest of the windows and doors.

Eventually we'll have a patio which will go round the corner of both of them and level with the inside. They fold right back to give the "Kevin McCloud inside-outside effect".


  1. Lovely pictures available here, and I am too much impressed also from these pictures, really thankful to you for posting this blog, Windows and doors are the main part of our home, so thankful to you. Bi-fold doors and windows

  2. If we use the same door pattern with internal sliding doors I bet then it will create a magic, try it.
