Sunday 6 May 2012

I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Okay!

At the bottom of the plot in our new neighbour, David's garden, there were four HUGE fir trees. We were a little concerned about the amount of evening sun that would be shaded and asked if he wouldn't mind us  performing a little tree butchery, sorry I mean surgery!

'Who's nicked the house?' Scaffolding but no house...wierd?!

With John's help, Rob's chainsaw (again! - huge thanks again) a little brute force, ignorance and luck we managed to cut off the top third or so and create a bonfire worthy of heralding the arrival of the Spanish Armada!

A big thank you to my Dad again....

Dad nonchanlantly pulling down a tree top...

Julie checking out the view....sorry er preparing the tree  for  chainsaw man...

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