Saturday 12 May 2012

You've Been Framed

This week the frame arrived. Despite our request (and payment!) for rigid vehicles it all arrived on arctics which meant unloading in Hartley Down - the main road and...

How can you not like a cheery Welshman in a cheery bright yellow lorry on a dull rainy morning?!

Especially when it says 'Mr & Mrs Goacher' - 'House'!!

....ferrying it all up by tele handler.

That tree needed pruning anyway...
Left a bit.....right a bit.....nearly there.....
Purely a supervisory role you understand..
The bad news was that this meant falling out with some neighbours we'd not yet met, but after a little explanation Joolz ended up making new friends with several of the residents of Hartley Down.

Scrape went the trusses as they squeezed under our Walnut  tree..

Phew what a day's work. S'alright's a tea break . Welsh cake anyone?!

One garage, plus a roof (well trusses at least)

Wahoo! It's a house Mummy!

'Oooo ooo'...Roxy thought our utility room is a tree to swing on....

OMG.....we have a first floor...well... al fresco...

In just four days, the majority of the structure is complete and something resembling a house is beginning to taking shape.
A luxurious fully kitted out lounge, as you can see. Pull up a chair...

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