Saturday 21 July 2012

Bendy glass!

After an extremely long wait the roof window finally arrived.........however.......not without it's own set of problems. The fitters turned up at 2pm instead of 8-10am, due to a part missing. And then looked up at our roof and said...'where's the zinc flat roof?'
Er....exactly...what zinc flat roof? And they promptly told us our window would not work as it had no corner flashings. After much discussion and heated calls it turns out we had the MOST rubbish site survey conducted by a MOST rubbish employee of Express windows with the slopiest shoulders ever.
A lesson learned of who not to use, however, it does look good so far...

How scary is this?!

Just hand that over 'ere mate!

Slides up like butter in between the scaffolding!

S'alright Tony's got it...

Are you sure glass is supposed to bend like this?!!

Nah...more like this...

Fits like a dream.

All the panes are in, but no corners for the flashings, so one very leaky window.......
Special self-cleaning glass that you can barely see through is clear to look through from the inside... oh la la!

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