Sunday 5 August 2012

Screeding & Underfloor pipes

Next job on Tony's week off was to 're-wack' our TechnoPor flat and lay the DPM ready for the Underfloor heating pipes. So after Tony' worked it so hard on the lounge the first Wacker plate died. They sent a new one and.... taddar.....we did all the downstairs rooms.
Wacker plating - just like lawn mowing, but no bits! elegant...get stuck in Mrs G

Dan & Leon's beautifully neat pipework ready for our underfloor heating. Maybe the only deterent for stopping the foxes coming in and leaving some treats for us.

The screeders finally arrive....not much English being spoken but a lot of hard work being done, as their loud pump efficiently delivers the mixed screed into the rooms ready for spreading

The playroom unsmoothed but full of screed. Wouldn't the girls just love a playroom like this with just piles of sand in it!

Ooooo how lovely...a beautiful smooth kitchen floor. Well....apart from when they ran out of concrete. Our neighbourly constraints on stopping us continuing on into Saturday afternoon and delaying the other half of the house until..... next Saturday.
Mmmmm...somehow one suspects we are a sly job on the side at

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